zaterdag 27 oktober 2012

DIY Saturday.

I got this great brainwave a few days ago. I made an awesome lamp which is kinda easy to make yourself.


So I made this lamp out of leftovers wool I had from knitting something. I used gel I normally use for painting and diluted it with water (I think you can use glue too).  And I used a baloon for the shape.



<--- gel I used.




so first I put a little gel on the balloon so the wool would stick on it. I wrapped the balloon in with the wool until there is just enough room for light to peek out here and there. Finally I diluted the gel with water and soaked the balloon with the wool on it until the wool had absorbed enough gel.

Then you wait a few days for it to dry.

When it’s all dry, you pop the balloon. Make sure you don’t pull the balloon out to hard, then your lamp won’t be as round as you want it to be…

Then you get an old desk light from a thrift shop (or maybe you have one yourself). What I did was making a frame from iron strings, but maybe your desk lamp already has a good frame and you can use that one to put your own made lampshade.



Hope you liked it!


Almost forgot! You have to use a light that doesn’t get hot! you don’t want your amp to catch on fire!

1 opmerking:

Julie zei

I do like it!
Think it's really cute :)

Sorry to answer so late but here is a little something that might help you create your blog button :