I have been working on a project for a long time now. Tonight I can finally pick up the keys of the atelier so I can finally get this thing going. The atelier is an old post office, I googled a picture. So this is the atelier back in the post office days.
Here is a picture of me, sketching in the post office a few Years ago, when I did a project for school. Its so much fun in there, the big post halls are now one big art hall with about 30 artist working on their art!
So you’re probably thinking, what project is she working on? well…
The whole idea of the project is about recycling. How can you make affordable recycled products that people actually really want to buy? It has to include the following points:
1. It has to be cheap/affordable.
2. It has to be attractive. People WANT to buy it.
3. The products have to be made entirely out of recycled products.
I’m not alone with this project. I’m working together with a friend. She Is going to do the exact same project. I’m curious about what she’s going to make!
So tonight, I’m going to a museum first, and then pick up the keys to OUR VERY OWN ATELIER! I’m so excited! This is going to be so much fun!
I’ll post the sketches of my product ideas when I’m able to blog IN THE ATELIER!
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