zaterdag 30 maart 2013

Time for a giveaway!!

In a few weeks I’ll be back to blogging completely, right now I’m studying for my final exams and some resits. I’ve got just enough time to do a little giveaway for you guys!

I have made these little storage trays for you guys! I’m giving away two! So there will be two winners this time! The first one I will be giving away this week, the next one the week after.

This giveaway is going to be a bit different than the other giveaway, but just as simple. I am not going to pick someone from my Glipho account only, since I’ve got some followers on WordPress too.

Its still simple, follow the steps here:

  1. Follow my blog on my Facebook page: 
  2. Like the giveaway post on Facebook.
  3. Comment (on the Facebook post “click here”) which of the trays you want (number).
  4. Wait one week to see if you won! I’ll contact you the next weekend if you won, and I’ll do a “and the winner is…” blog post.


So here is what you can choose (you can only choose one!)


foto 1


foto 2


foto 3


foto 4


foto 5



Its that simple! So go comment which one you want and like this Facebook post and my Facebook page!

Have a nice week!


dinsdag 26 maart 2013

Admission product design-Record player-Giveaway reveal

I’m sorry I couldn’t blog for a while. I was so busy with school I just couldn’t find the time to write anymore. My final exams are in 6 weeks. Besides that, my grandma passed away a few weeks ago and we all had a pretty rough time… In about 2 months, I’ll have loads and loads of time to do fun stuff and blog about it. So here is a quick update on what happened the past weeks.

I did the admission for Product design in Arnhem. I have to wait 3 weeks to know if I got accepted. If I wont get accepted I will go to a photography school first, and then try again in a few years. But for now… fingers crossed.

I had to make a lamp for the admission. I was thinking on keeping the recycle design idea, since I really like to work with re-usable mass products. This time I made a lamp out of vinyl records.




After admission, I got a record player from my uncle! I am like CRAZY happy with it! I got about 100 records now, and I can play them very soon, I still need some amplifiers.



last, but not least, I promised you guys a giveaway… I am going to do the full post in the weekend. But I’ll show you guys what I will give away. AND… I will give away two! This time it is going to be a bit different, I’m going to pick people from my Facebook page… But more info will come in the next post!

Here is what I’m giving away:


So make sure to keep checking my blog for the giveaway! And don’t forget to like my Facebook page!



donderdag 7 maart 2013

Admission for the Academy Of Art and Design.

I’m nervous and excited at the same time. A few weeks ago I filled in the admission papers for ArtEZ. The school for art and design in Arnhem. I signed myself up for product design. I would love to study that! I can’t just go do the study, unfortunately I will have to make a few assignments for the admission. And then hope I ‘ve got enough talent to get through! My assignments are:

  1. Design and make a lamp.
  2. Write something about some product designers that I admire. Why do you admire them, and why do you want to be a product designer.
  3. Design and make a 1:6 model of a chair or couch. OR Design and make a fashion accessory.

I love the assignments! I can’t wait to start! I will have to go to Arnhem March 21st. Which is in the middle of my exams. So I hope I can make my exams and get to Arnhem in time. Its about an hour drive. AHHH!

I’m working on my first assignment right now. I’ll keep you guys posted on the results and updates.

I’ll post every assignment when it is finished!

OH! and because I’m not blogging a lot lately, I will make it up whit you guys by doing a fun giveaway! I’m not telling what it is yet… but it has everything to do with these:



Like my Facebook page for more updates and more giveaways!

