donderdag 29 november 2012

DIY- Nothing to do on a Sunday morning table

It’s time for some DIY again! haven’t blogged about that in a while, and I have been working on some DIY projects the last few weeks. For example, a lamp made entirely out of plastic cups. It’s not finished yet, but here is a preview of the lamp:



foto (1)

I’m going to blog about it when it’s finished and give you a step by step plan on how to make it yourself!

But I wasn’t going to blog about unfinished DIY projects. I was going to blog about finished DIY projects. I was working in the garden when I found this piece of wood. I think its from a pallet or something. I was planning on throwing it away when I thought I could definitely use it! I could make myself a little table!

So here is why my blog post is called “Nothing to do on a Sunday morning table”:

I’ve got a lot of Sundays when I just do absolutely nothing. I’m sure a lot of people can relate to that. Those mornings when you wake up at 10 or 11, eat something, and then watch a complete season of you favorite series.  I do that sometimes, and to make this season marathon as confortable as possible, I tend to actually stay in bed for the first few episodes and watch them on my laptop. And THAT is where my table comes in handy! Still don’t get it? see it for yourself. I’m so happy with this DIY product!

So I found it like this:

foto ding

Then I painted it with the same paint I used to paint my rasp. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, You should definitely look at my DIY-RASP <—click!

foto 5 dinh

I painted it outside, then brought it inside to dry. Haha look at my lovely cat watching over it! So cute!

foto 1 blah

I let it dry for a few hours… then I could start using it! So handy! LOVE it!



Hope you like it and try it out for yourself!

Have a nice day!



dinsdag 27 november 2012

Analogue #3 The Olympus OM-10

As promised, the next blog post on my analogue camera’s. Already the 3rd one, but no worries, I still got a lot of cameras to go! This time it’s the beautiful SLR-camera Olympus OM-10.

I had bought it at a giant thrift shop in Hilversum. I absolutely love this one, I had brought it with me to Turkey (vacation) and used it for a school project. It is Ideal for a lot of reasons. For example the lenses. Olympus has a whole OM-system which includes lenses! you can buy them on eBay for a low price.  Here are some pictures I made with my Olympus OM-10:



The Olympus OM-10 is a 35mm film camera. This camera is part of the OM system which Olympus launched in 1972. The Olympus OM bodies were divided in a high range and a middle range. The Olympus OM 1,2,3 and 4 where the high range category, the two middle where the middle range cameras, and the cameras above that where the lowest range. This way, Olympus was able to built a lot of camera parts that where the same and later put in the expensive equipment for the Olympus 1,2,3 and 4. So you where able to have a good quality camera for a lower price.
The Olympus OM-10 was launched in 1979. The early productions of the OM-10 have had malfunction issues with electronics, metering, and shutter magnets. So If you want to buy one at the thrift shop, make sure to check if the metering and shutter works. If you don’t know how to check your metering and shutter, you can read my other blog on how to buy the right vintage camera.  
If you’re looking for a good quality camera, you should take a look at this one. Its beautiful and it has this lovely “click’’ sound when you take a picture.
For the fun, here is the commercial of the Olympus OM-10 back in 1979:

If you have any questions, or think there is something missing in the information that MUST be included, please comment! If you’re looking for 35mm film, just click here.

zondag 25 november 2012

How to buy the right vintage camera

The past few weeks I got a lot of questions about buying a vintage analogue camera. A lot of people want to buy a vintage camera, but don’t know where to look and how to be sure you won’t buy a camera that doesn’t work. I’ve decided to write a little bit about what to look for when you buy a vintage camera.
first of all, where do you find vintage camera’s? … I visit the local thrift shop almost every week. Thrift shops are by far the best places to look. Fridays and Saturdays are the best days to go there. These are the days people clean up there homes and bring their whole attic content  to the thrift shops. If you don’t have any thrift shops in your town, you would have to try flea markets or garage sales. You can simply find on the internet where and when there is a flea market in your town.  I never recommend buying vintage cameras online, you never know if it works.


If you want to buy an analogue vintage camera you have to think about a few things. For example. Do you actually want to use it, DIY-ing with it, or maybe just put it on your desk in your room as decoration? If you want to DIY with it or use it as decoration it doesn’t matter if it works or not, and it would probably be better to buy a camera that doesn’t work anymore. Those are cheaper of course. (If you have found a broken one, ask the shop owner how much the camera costs. Wait for the prize, THAN tell the owner it is broken. That way the price will go down way more than when you say its broken BEFORE asking the price…) How to DIY with your broken camera?


If you want to make awesome crazy looking vintage pictures with an analogue camera, you have to think about what film size you would want, cause buying a camera for 126 mm film wouldn’t be a good idea since 126mm film is not produced anymore. If you are a beginner, I recommend a 35mm film camera. It uses 35mm film, which is still produced and relatively cheaper than 120 an 110mm film. If you’re not sure what film the camera you found uses, just flip open the back. (Probably by pulling, pushing or spinning a button at the right side of the camera or pulling up the film spool) Inside the camera there will be a sticker or carving telling you what film it uses.
35mm film:

After you found out your camera has a usable film size, you are going to check if the light meter works. This is something you can only check if you have a camera with light cells. just find the light cell, look through the lens, put your hand over the sell. If the light meter works, a little pinn will show that there is not enough light. Or, with – for example – the olympus trip 35, the shutter will block.

The next thing you have to do is kinda weird. Smell you camera…. YES, smell it… If your camera uses batteries, this is the way to find out if the batteries have leaked. If they have leaked, your camera is probably completely useless. If you only smell the old leather and dust from the attic, everything is okay. If you smell a real salty smell (almost dog pee smell-ish… yukk …) your batteries have leaked.
The last thing I check is the shutter. Wind up you camera and pretend to take a picture of yourself. Look at your lens, If you see the shutter opening and closing while taking the picture, the camera is ready to buy! If you’re not sure, open the back again. (if there is still an old film in it from the previous owner, take that out, you cant use that anyway) When you opened the back, look inside the camera, wind it and take a picture again. If you see a real quick flits light through the camera lens, you can buy your camera.
Have fun buying your analogue camera! If information is missing, please comment. This is what I do when I buy a camera, IT’S POSSIBLE that your camera still wont work after these steps.
Have a nice thrift shop/ flea market analogue hunt!


zaterdag 24 november 2012

Thrift shop Saturday Typewriter

YES! finally went to the thrift shop today! The last few weeks I wasn’t able to go because I was so busy with school. I went to the local one in Breukelen…. BAM, BINGO! I bought a beautiful typewriter. At first I was scared it wouldn’t work, but it does! The ink could be empty, but even after all those years, that still works!

I bought this one for a friend of mine, he wanted to have a typewriter and I promised to buy it for him. Next time I’ll buy one for myself, I LOVE THE THING!

Its so pretty:


foto 1

But, I can’t leave the thrift shop with something for myself… so I went for an old film camera! It is a vintage Bell & Howell Optronic Eye 8mm Movie Camera and it uses 8mm Auto Load Cartridges.  I can’t find a lot information on this one, but I’ll have to de some better research and I will tell some more about it in one of my analogue camera posts. The only thing I could find is that its from the early 60’s

so here is what this awesome camera looks like:



Have a good day!!




donderdag 22 november 2012

Analogue #2 Kodak ektralite 600

So, as promised, here is the next analogue camera post. This time it is the kodak ektralite, a 110 mm camera. This one is a bit different. Probably less ‘eye candy’ for those who like the old leather and the big lenses. Though, this one is pretty awesome! I had bought the Kodak in a thrift shop. It wasn’t the local one, I can’t remember which one it was. It is pretty much indestructible because of the hard plastic cap.
So here it is:


Its ideal to put in a big bag when you go camping or something. It just wont break! The lenses are protected when the camera is closed. This camera was introduced in 1980 and stopped producing in 1982. back in the days, this camera would cost you 67 dollar, I bought it for 80 cents. (hahaha) It has 2 lenses, one normal lens, and one tele-lens. I made a lot of vacation pictures with this camera and I LOVE the vintage affects it gives.
Another funny thing, the photos from this camera are a little more square-ish than a normal picture. Love that!! Here is an example:


compared to the usual size:


My kodak actually still has the name of the first owner of the camera in it! It says "C.J. De Jage’! Tried to look up  a picture of the person, couldn’t find it… would have been pretty awesome if I knw what the person looks like.
I’m planning on painting mine orange! I’ll post about that when I actually did…
So here, for the fun, the original commercial:

If you want to buy this camera, you would have to look at eBay, there are literally hundreds of them on there. You can buy the 110 mm film on the lomography store, just click HERE.
So that was the 2nd camera of my collection. If you want to ask anything you can comment!


woensdag 21 november 2012

Analogue #1 The Olympus Trip 35

So, as promised, I’m going to write a little something about my camera’s every week. I know I promised I would do that earlier, I didn’t have the time. That’s why I will post one camera today, and then one tomorrow. After that, there will be one analogue-post every week. So enjoy!
My first camera was the Olympus trip 35. It looks like this:
I bought it last summer at the thrift shop. Just wanted to try out an old camera and this one looked awesome! So I bought a 35 mm film for it and started shooting, hoping it would work. After getting the pictures back from development I was instantly addicted to analogue photography. Here is one of my first analogue pictures. (from the first 35mm film I bought)
I was kinda curious about how old the camera would be, so I started Google-ing. I found out that the olympus trip was manufactured between 1967 and 1984. I also found out that the serial number gives you an indication on how old your camera is. You have to open your Olympus and take out the little pressure plate on the back.
If you take the plate out, it will show a serial number like this:
You can read how you can get the age of your camera by following this:
1st Japanese character or letter (in later models) signifying the assembly plant.
2nd number representing the last digit of the year of assembly
(e.g. 5 = 1975, 0 = 1980).
3rd number or letter representing the month of assembly,
1-9 for Jan-Sep, X, Y, Z for Oct-Dec.
for example; N1Y = November 1971
So the picture above shows the camera is from March 1973.
While searching for more information I found out you can customize your Oly by buying skins!
Look at how awesome that is!
you can pick any color you want!
My Olympus trip still has the original skin, I like it that way, but if you have an Olympus trip, just Google on ‘‘Olympus trip 35 skin” and you find a lot of sites selling them!
If you don’t have an Olympus trip, but thinking about buying one, thrift shops and flea markets are the best places to look for them. There are literally millions of Olympus trips made in almost every country. The chance that you find one is pretty big if you look at the right places. If you don’t find one, you can always try eBay. If you want to buy film for you camera I recommend “Lomography”. They sell almost every film you want!
If you have an Olympus trip, or have a question about this camera, feel free to comment! I will answer every comment!
If you are interested in what the photo’s  I make look like, click HERE.
Have a nice day!

Follow me on twitter! @lenland


maandag 12 november 2012

Open day ArtEZ!

Last weekend I was in Arnhem the whole Saturday. I went to ArtEZ, a school I really want to go to!

ArtEZ is a school for art and design. It has a lot of studies, for example: Product Design, Fashion Design, Graphic Design, Interaction Design etc. I would love to do Product design, I saw all the work that students had made at product design and it was AWESOME!!

I couldn’t make a lot of pictures, but here is some of the work that the product designers had made!

foto 1

foto 3

This awesome hanger below is to let your soaked clothes dry!

foto 4

This thing below is a barbeque pot, you can put fruit in and heat it up on your barbeque!

foto 2

I’m hoping to pass my exams and to go do product design! It looks like a lot of fun!





donderdag 8 november 2012

The perfect cookies recipe.

So While learning, I love to drink coffee or tea with a jummy cookie . Unfortunately I drink tea or coffee all the time and eating a cookie every time is not really good for you. So I make myself a big bowl of carrots and cucumber to snack  from. It’s delicious and good for you!
Not today though. I had baked cookies yesterday and had them with my coffee! It was one of the first times I baked these ones. Its my own recipe. Now I don’t know if these cookies exist already… So I thought I could share it! Now go bake them yourself cause they are delicious! They taste like caramel with cinnamon.

OH! And it takes you only about 30 minutes to make the dough AND bake them!


So here is what you need:

50 grams butter.
110 grams brown caster sugar.
50 grams flower.
1 teaspoon cinnamon.
Put the butter in the microwave for about 10 seconds (it has to be soft, not melted). Then mix the butter sugar and cinnamon together. While mixing everything, put a spoon of flower into the bowl until you used up all the flower. Then put everything in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes. In the mean time you can clean up the mess you’ve made of your kitchen and pre-heat the oven at 200 degrees Celsius (if you live in a country that uses Fahrenheit, click here to see what temperature you need)
If your kitchen is completely blinking, get your bowl out of the fridge. Grease your baking tray. pick up small parts of your dough and make small round marbles of them. (Yes that small!). Place them on your tray, about 8cm from each other, then put them in your oven (if its heated enough) Wait for about 6 minutes. Then take out the cookies and let them cool down for 1-2 minutes. Then you can take them of the tray and place them on a flat surface. You can also roll them up or make any kind of shape. then let them cool down even more for about 3 minutes. VOILA! your cookies are ready to eat!

Most easy cookies EVER!

Have fun making them…. but have even more fun eating them of course!



dinsdag 6 november 2012

Magnification device.

Look what I bought last weekend!
This is a magnification device for the development of my analogue pictures! Now I don’t have to go to Breukelen to develop my pictures, I can do it myself! Now I can develop my pictures in my room. I’ll have to wait until it’s dark outside, then I put on the red light and BAM! I got my own darkroom! I will hang the developed pictures in my room. When I wake up, I will see a decoration of fresh developed pictures in my room! wouldn’t that be nice?! I’m so excited to try it out! My grandpa is going to help me the first time, don’t know how it works yet…
I’m sorry I cant post anything longer than this. I ‘m still very busy working on my school. That’s the most important thing right now….


maandag 5 november 2012

Foreign food - Turkish tea.

Normally I post something about foreign food. Well, that was the plan, and I did eat en drink a lot of foreign stuff, but I’ve been to busy learning, and haven’t been able to write longer posts. But today, while learning I wanted something to drink. Nothing is better than a nice hot cup of tea while learning. So I was searching for tea when I found some left over Turkish tea we had brought with us from Istanbul from a bazar.
So why not… lets try the stuff….
Ginger, roses, daisies… it was all in there! I had the Turkish apple tea before, but never had this tea. It tasted OK, it didn’t have the JUMMY factor. It looks great though! And it’s definitely taste worthy! So if you’re planning on going to Istanbul one day, just try it!

BeFunky_CrossProcess_1 (2)BeFunky_foto 2BeFunky_Instant_1

BeFunky_foto 4


zondag 4 november 2012

Cameras, real old cameras.

As some of you know, I’ve got quite a few old analogue camera’s. So I thought, wouldn’t it be nice to show them of a little!
I started collecting old camera’s last year. I had bought my Olympus trip 35. which is a perfect camera to use if you want to start trying out the analogue side. It doesn’t use battery's and it works almost automatically. The only thing you have to do is focusing. Then I started actually looking for them in thrift shops. AND THRIFT SHOPS ARE FULL OF OLD CAMERAS!
My Idea is to weekly, or monthly (don’t know yet) post an article about one of my cameras. So next week, the first one will be posted, about my first camera, the Olympus trip 35. And the week after that (or month) I will show you my second camera, my polaroid image 3. And so on….
I will tell you how I got it, how old it is, and maybe some funny things about the camera!
Here are some pictures of the camera’s I’ve got!

Have a nice weekend!
