woensdag 26 september 2012

ArtFart #2 Drawing and Knitting

And again, I was drawing. And again, I had to stop to do something else.
I have these moments when I can just draw non-stop for hours and then wake up out of my super-focus and realize I have been drawing for 4 hours. Then I realize I've missed about 5 phone calls, my mom got home, and someone vacuumed the entire house without me knowing it. Unfortunately, the last few months I've been drawing a lot less and it seems I have lost the ability of doing that. :( now I have to stop every hour to do something else.

I'm planning on making a series of drawings. I'm thinking about 5 or 6 little ones.
I've just finished one of them, not really happy with how it looks, but maybe if there are 5 I can be happy with it. :)

Here is number 1:

Completely different subject, but also an ArtFart. I was at the hobby shop today. I wanted to try something completely out of my comfortable art-zone. The winter is coming up. So I bought myself some wool. Yes, only wool. I'm planning on knitting a nice thick dark red scarf for myself this winter. There is one little problem, I don't know how to knit.... :( BUT! Like a lot of people, I've got a grandma! YAY!

zaterdag 22 september 2012

ArtFart #1 Fineliner Drawing

I have been drawing ever since I’ve been able to hold a pen. Since I won an international art contest in Amsterdam I’m selling drawings of mine. I do paint a lot too, for some reason people want to buy my paintings more then my drawings. But I love drawing more and I have developed a preference for drawing with fine liners. I think my fine liner drawings are more a distinctive style you either really like or dislike.
Anyway, at the moment I’m working on a drawing and paused to write something.
I still have to go a few hours to finish it, but here is the beginning:

 I'll post some more about my work when I have more time, I want to finish my drawing today and there is still about 5 hours to go.

vrijdag 21 september 2012

Quick post: Project-X

I wanted to update my blog about something that has been all over the news here in Holland. It's called "project-X Haren". It caught my attention because I just couldn't believe this story. It sounds like something that came straight out of the movie!

A few weeks ago a girl from the place Haren made an event on Facebook, asking her friends to all come to her birthday party. The only thing she forgot was putting the settings to"private party". And so, friends invited friends, and those friends invited their friends. It all got out of control. The total amount of people going to Haren is now 31,616. The amount of people actually living in Haren: about 9,040. So you could say it is going to be a bit crowded. The municipality of Haren in taking away all of the signs on the streets. They hope the visitors will get confused and go away. SERIOUSLY?! WE HAVE TOMTOM, GOOGLE MAPS AND ALL OF THAT SHIT! That is seriously not going to make people go away. It will only prevent people of actually stealing the signs, which will save the municipality about 500 euros. Compared with the damage that will be done by the people going there, taking away the signs would be a serious waste of time.

There are defenately going to be a lot of people. The media is already threre, the radio is moving there, some people where even crazy enough to make some pretty awesome advertising:

Anyway... The party is tonight. I have been tracking it on facebook for a while now. The stations are having problems with the amount of people going in and out. Streets are getting over-crowded. I can't believe this is going to happen! 
The municipality sayd there is going to be NO party. No PARTY?! I don't think so, people are bringing their stuff with them to keep the party going!
The music:

And the drinks:

See? It all sounds like the movie "Project-X" ...
I'm not going, but I'm definitely going to watch the news tonight!