zaterdag 2 februari 2013

The winner of the giveaway is…


Someone won this instamatic 33….


I know I’m late, but I had some stuff going on and wasn't able to blog. But no worries, I counted your tweets, wrote down names and put them in the hat again… I was thinking, I want to do more giveaways in the future, but picking a winner like this is not working for me if there are like 30 people entering. Does anybody have a good tip on how to make it simple picking a winner? It’s just so messy when I do it like this. Writing down all the names and then writing down the name again if they have tweeted. Anyone? Help?

So….. Who is the winner of this giveaway?



hoedjesCongratulations Sean Brown! Your Kodak instamatic 33 is coming your way! You’ll get an email soon!

Haven’t won this time? NO WORRIES! Then next giveaway is at 200 followers!


Geen opmerkingen: