woensdag 26 september 2012

ArtFart #2 Drawing and Knitting

And again, I was drawing. And again, I had to stop to do something else.
I have these moments when I can just draw non-stop for hours and then wake up out of my super-focus and realize I have been drawing for 4 hours. Then I realize I've missed about 5 phone calls, my mom got home, and someone vacuumed the entire house without me knowing it. Unfortunately, the last few months I've been drawing a lot less and it seems I have lost the ability of doing that. :( now I have to stop every hour to do something else.

I'm planning on making a series of drawings. I'm thinking about 5 or 6 little ones.
I've just finished one of them, not really happy with how it looks, but maybe if there are 5 I can be happy with it. :)

Here is number 1:

Completely different subject, but also an ArtFart. I was at the hobby shop today. I wanted to try something completely out of my comfortable art-zone. The winter is coming up. So I bought myself some wool. Yes, only wool. I'm planning on knitting a nice thick dark red scarf for myself this winter. There is one little problem, I don't know how to knit.... :( BUT! Like a lot of people, I've got a grandma! YAY!

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