maandag 12 november 2012

Open day ArtEZ!

Last weekend I was in Arnhem the whole Saturday. I went to ArtEZ, a school I really want to go to!

ArtEZ is a school for art and design. It has a lot of studies, for example: Product Design, Fashion Design, Graphic Design, Interaction Design etc. I would love to do Product design, I saw all the work that students had made at product design and it was AWESOME!!

I couldn’t make a lot of pictures, but here is some of the work that the product designers had made!

foto 1

foto 3

This awesome hanger below is to let your soaked clothes dry!

foto 4

This thing below is a barbeque pot, you can put fruit in and heat it up on your barbeque!

foto 2

I’m hoping to pass my exams and to go do product design! It looks like a lot of fun!



