donderdag 29 november 2012

DIY- Nothing to do on a Sunday morning table

It’s time for some DIY again! haven’t blogged about that in a while, and I have been working on some DIY projects the last few weeks. For example, a lamp made entirely out of plastic cups. It’s not finished yet, but here is a preview of the lamp:



foto (1)

I’m going to blog about it when it’s finished and give you a step by step plan on how to make it yourself!

But I wasn’t going to blog about unfinished DIY projects. I was going to blog about finished DIY projects. I was working in the garden when I found this piece of wood. I think its from a pallet or something. I was planning on throwing it away when I thought I could definitely use it! I could make myself a little table!

So here is why my blog post is called “Nothing to do on a Sunday morning table”:

I’ve got a lot of Sundays when I just do absolutely nothing. I’m sure a lot of people can relate to that. Those mornings when you wake up at 10 or 11, eat something, and then watch a complete season of you favorite series.  I do that sometimes, and to make this season marathon as confortable as possible, I tend to actually stay in bed for the first few episodes and watch them on my laptop. And THAT is where my table comes in handy! Still don’t get it? see it for yourself. I’m so happy with this DIY product!

So I found it like this:

foto ding

Then I painted it with the same paint I used to paint my rasp. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, You should definitely look at my DIY-RASP <—click!

foto 5 dinh

I painted it outside, then brought it inside to dry. Haha look at my lovely cat watching over it! So cute!

foto 1 blah

I let it dry for a few hours… then I could start using it! So handy! LOVE it!



Hope you like it and try it out for yourself!

Have a nice day!



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