As some of you know, I’ve got quite a few old analogue camera’s. So I thought, wouldn’t it be nice to show them of a little!
I started collecting old camera’s last year. I had bought my Olympus trip 35. which is a perfect camera to use if you want to start trying out the analogue side. It doesn’t use battery's and it works almost automatically. The only thing you have to do is focusing. Then I started actually looking for them in thrift shops. AND THRIFT SHOPS ARE FULL OF OLD CAMERAS!
My Idea is to weekly, or monthly (don’t know yet) post an article about one of my cameras. So next week, the first one will be posted, about my first camera, the Olympus trip 35. And the week after that (or month) I will show you my second camera, my polaroid image 3. And so on….
I will tell you how I got it, how old it is, and maybe some funny things about the camera!
Here are some pictures of the camera’s I’ve got!
Have a nice weekend!
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