Today I got the pictures back from development! These pictures where the first ones from my Olympus OM-10. I;’m so happy with the outcome!
My Olympus!
I have had a school assignment for my art class. I made a series of pictures that all had to have some kind of emotion in them. THANKS Ruben, for letting me put water in your eyes and make you cry! haha!
I actually asked Ruben to shout as loud as possible in the picture above!
The other pictures are just some random pictures I took to get the 25 pictures I needed before I could take out the roll. For the analogue people out there: I used a Lomography ladygrey 35mm 100ISO roll, and had my diaphragm on 5.6!
I took one of those random pictures for you guys to see!
Have a nice week! I’ll be learning the whole time :(
Oh ok, I will sleep and eat too, don’t worry….